HECOS for Ethics is a worldwide network in cooperation with companies, NGOs and training providers offering training opportunities on skills, attitudes and knowledge aiming to promote a sustainable way of living and working
The ECHOS FOR ETHICS (Higher Education and Companies Fostering Ethical Skills) project is an initiative for vocational education and training funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS + Programme
Hecos for Ethics is concluded
The overall goal of the project is to enhance the quality and relevance in the delivery of VET training services on the topic of ethics for business by:
- developing innovative training approaches in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
- supporting the transfer of good practices in the field of CSR training services;
- fostering the assessment of key-competences, including transversal skills (e.g. Ethical skills);
- raising awareness of companies on Ethical skills with particular regard to the issues of Human Rights, the Respect for the Environment, the Land Consumption, and the use of Natural Resources.
Based on a research on the interest of companies in ethic for business topics, the project produced a catalogue of innovative experienced-based training curricula covering a wide range of topics: Labour, Human Rights, Non-discrimination, Diversity and Equality, Environment, Children Rights, Security and Safety, Respect of Natural Resources, Anti-corruption, Specific production processes, and Other transversal or compulsory paths.
This catalogue will serve a network of Companies, High Education Institutes and Civil Society Organizations, which will be able to provide adults trainees with innovative non-formal and informal training services.
Activities and outputs
The project work plan has been developed according to a set of linked steps:
- the initial assessment of training needs;
- the development of didactic formats of non-formal and informal training addressing the emerging needs;
- the planning of training schedules based on the designed didactic formats and the construction of a training catalogue;
- the development of assessment methods for the new training scheduled based on EC-VET principles and EQF system;
- testing of some relevant training schedules;
- public events and other dissemination activities of project’s outputs;
- the exploitation of the catalogue (which is the final output).
To support all these steps there is a set of outputs developed through the project by the partners. The main outputs are:
- the Research Report - Final results and conclusions;
- the Training Guide;
- the Informal Experiences Catalogue;
- HECOS Website;
- the sustainability plan of HfE training services;
- HfE network of training providers;
- companies and NGOs.
Project website
Project Partners
Aiccre - Veneta Federation, Italy
Innospectrum, Hungary
Odisee, Belgium
Oikos Onlus, Italy
PRC SCCI, Slovakia
Rosto Solidario, Portugal
Stockholms University, Sweden
Tuke, Slovakia
Voka, Belgium