
New shape and drives for the tourism sector: supporting decision, integrating plans and ensuring sustainability

SHAPETOURISM is a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, within the INTERREG MED Program

ShapeTourism is concluded

ShapeTourism improves the tourism knowledge framework, providing analysis and operational tools to shape and drive tourism sustainable growth, particularly for Cultural Destinations.
The project supports policymakers and private operators to achieve:

  • attractiveness
  • growth
  • sustainability

taking into account the major challenges of global competition.

Starting from the capitalization of scientific studies and from tourism established patterns, the project aims to foster the balance between divergent public and private interests by gearing tourism development toward an holistic, highly operational and sustainable approach.


The project provides:

  • Smart Tourism Data System, to arrange recommendations and scenarios, to improve attractiveness and competitiveness of territorial assets;
  • Planning Solutions to tackle territorial assets sustainable exploitation, while balancing conflicts between landscape conservation and tourism growth pressures and tailoring responses to destinations life cycle;
  • ShapeTourism Protocol based on a Participative decisional support system able to create effective synergies and cooperation mechanisms for a responsible coastal and maritime integrated management.

Website and download

Website of the project, created within the platform of Interreg MED Programme

Project Brochure

Poster of the Progetto

Project Partners

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Department of Economic , Italy

University of Algarve - School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism - Portugal

AICCRE - Veneta Federation, Italy

University of Split, Facolty of Economics, Croatia

CCEIA - Cyprus Center of European and International Affairs, Cyprus

ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute,  Slovenia

University of Malaga - Department of Economic and Management, Spain